With a global increasing recognition of Intellectual Property over the past years, there is an urgent need in patent application and trademark registration in Hong Kong. CtR can provide professional patent analysis for our client with our team of China patent attorneys, patent engineers, and product developers prior to developing new products.
Meanwhile, our patent engineers have the ability to fully understand your new invention-creation and therefore help our patent attorney draft satisfactory patent specifications that meet legal requirement and protect your unique technological inventions.
With such strengths, CtR is undoubtedly your choice for provision of professional, reliable, efficient, and one-stop product development for the protection of Intellectual Property.
Following the success of CtR Intellectual Property (IP) Company Limited, CtR Funding Valuation Limited was set up in 2019 to offer you one-stop service to enhance IP value and facilitate its trading. The collaboration between the two companies shall provide synergised and all-round professional consultancy service on most IP areas.
Supported by a group of professionals with 25+ year of experience in various expertise, such as biomedical, electronics, industrial, material engineering, product development, statistics and big data analytics, CtR Funding Valuation is indeed your best partner in product launching services. Our team of professionals have partnered to offer our valuable clients with specific and tailor-made services, particularly in the fields of IP Valuation, IP productisation and IP trading support.
CtR Product Development is a professional company for three main business areas, namely Intellectual Property Service, Industrial Design & Engineering consultant and Product Developing Assistant Service. Through integrating the comprehensive knowledge, we focus on providing our “Turnkey Product-Developing Solution”.
今鋪真係考眼力👀❗️Open AI 最近幫佢嘅 LOGO「微整形」
今鋪真係考眼力👀❗️Open AI 最近幫佢嘅 LOGO「微整形」🪄
係 AI 定人類做? 🤔有冇抵觸?🧐🔍
🪄Logo 微調咗啲咩呀?👀
1. 線條變細,相對更輕盈,減少了厚重感。
2. 曲線更流暢,線條稍微圓潤,讓整體看起來更柔和。
3. 間距更均勻,圖案內部的比例和間距可能稍作調整。
新 Logo 係 AI 定人類設計?🧐
這次品牌重塑 OPENAI 的新 LOGO 主要是由人類設計團隊主導完成的�(參與包括柏林 ABC DINAMO 和 STUDIO DUMBAR),但輔助使用了人工智慧技術。�另外決策與最終設計仍然由人類完成,因為品牌設計需要精確考慮用戶體驗和品牌價值,這是目前 AI 難以完全掌握的。
Logo 係 AI 設計同人類設計,喺商標法嚟講有冇抵觸?🤔
從商標法的角度來講,LOGO 是由 AI 設計還是人類設計,基本上並不會直接影響�商標的法律效力,只要 LOGO 滿足識別性的要求,就可以申請商標註冊並受法律保護。
所以 AI 設計與人類設計的商標,在法律地位上是平等的。
#CtR #Patent #版權 #Copyright #專利申請 #專利 #商標 #商標註冊 #Trademark #CtRIntellectualProperty #智群知識產權事務所 #PAG資助計劃 #OPENAI #AI #LOGO